Hello there!

你好! Hola! Bonjour!

Keynote Speaker. Designer. Blogger.

Arianna Quan, or 全安琪 is a tireless advocate for women in STEAM, and cultural competency.


Arianna has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue, NBC, Associated Press, among many others for her service work during the 2017 Election Year, promoting her platform Being American: Immigration & Citizenship Education across the country.

During her year as Miss Michigan within the Miss America Scholarship Organization, she gained attention for being the first Asian-American and naturalized citizen to represent her state. With that distinction, she was able to launch a speaking tour and collaborated with Asian-American organizations internationally, earning her a spot in Portrait Magazine’s 30 Most Influential in 2017.

Today, Arianna is graduate of the College for Creative Studies with a BFA in Automotive Design and now works as an Instructional Design consultant with multiple Fortune 500 companies within the STEM field. Because of this background, Arianna is a proud supporter of women in STE(A)M careers, and continues her advocacy work with immigration education to this day. As a passionate speaker, mentor/mentee and creative based in Cleveland OH, Arianna is constantly seeking out new avenues to collaborate and give back to her community.



It’s nice to meet you!